Monday, September 25, 2017

Pros and Cons of CocoaPods

Originally posted:  March 6, 2015  Br1an6

Recently, I started using CocoaPods.

CocoaPods is a dependency management tool for iOS and macOS development.

Mostly,  the pro is that it is necessary to use third party libraries to help the project develop faster.

However, I start to find out that there are some cons of it.

First of all, I usually work with my team. As you can tell, we heavily rely on using source control, such as git.

Whether you put Pods folder in .gitignore or not, it just not satisfies me.

For example, Every time I pull the project which we’ve been working on currently.

The project needs to use

 pod setup  

in order to build.

So there is still the slight incompletion while using source control with CocoaPods.

Above all, if you’re a solo programmer, especially I’m talking about subcontractor which maintenance is not an issue for you,

CocoaPods is literally an essential for you. It simply maximizes your developing speed within a simple

 pod install  


On the contrary, if you work as a team which developing your own long-term projects,

CocoaPods will be a total thorn in your flesh for using source control.

– Br1an

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