Monday, September 25, 2017

Pros and Cons of CocoaPods

Originally posted:  March 6, 2015  Br1an6

Recently, I started using CocoaPods.

CocoaPods is a dependency management tool for iOS and macOS development.

Mostly,  the pro is that it is necessary to use third party libraries to help the project develop faster.

However, I start to find out that there are some cons of it.

Virtual DJ Crossfader Curve Key Mapping

Recently, I  got a Numark Party Mix DJ Controller. It’s fully functional (built-in sound card) and affordable. Without a doubt, it’s a nice controller for people who want to start djing.

However, when it comes to scratching. There is no button or any shortcut for switching between different crossfader curve modes.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Working as a Software Engineer at AWS

After 5 incredible years at AWS, I have recently decided to join Zscaler. Working at Amazon Web Services is like being on a roller coaster y...