Saturday, September 27, 2014

Redmine Installation Guide and Migration for Linux (Bitnami Redmine)

Originally posted:  September 27, 2014  Br1an6

Installing redmine is never an easy work. The same as migrate the old version data.

Here is a simple and fast way for y’all.

I use ubuntu14.04.1 and Redmine 2.5.2 in this guide.


Download Redmine(Linux):

Get the permission and enter the GUI installer by typing the following in terminal.

$ chmod 700

$ ./
Red color part it’s depend on the version which you are installing.

Then just follow the installer ( Make sure you install the “phpMyAdmin” )

After finishing installing at your localhost, click on “Access BitNami Redmine Stack”


1. cd to the path where your redmine installed  e.g. /home/……/redmine-5.2-0,

open the GUI dashboard which provide by bitnami,

$ /

2. By clicking on “Open phpMyAdmin”, enter phpMyAdmin ( login as root user )

3. Select “bitnami_redmine” database.

Click “import” on the top to import the old version sql file.

4. Back to the terminal, cd to …… (path your redmine installed)/ redmine-2.5.2-0/apps/redmine/htdocs,

enter the following:

$ruby bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

If error shows ruby missing:

#Install RVM

$curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
  (Remember to restart the terminal)

#Install Ruby 1.9

(If it shows “RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with ‘rvm use …’ will not work.“

then you should type in “$/bin/bash –login” first )

$rvm install 1.9.3
#Change global version

$rvm 1.9.3 --default

#Confirm the version

$ruby –v

After that, do it again.

$ruby bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
(watch out for the path at step 4.)

If error shows “Mysql2::Error: Table ‘queries_roles’ already exists: CREATE TABLE queries_roles

Enter phpMyAdmin to drop ”queries_roles” table at bitnami_redmine.

It might also appear “Mysql2::Error: Table ‘custom_fields_roles’ already exists: CREATE TABLE custom_fields_roles

Enter phpMyAdmin to drop ”custom_fields_roles” table at bitnami_redmine.

Above all, click the ‘restart all’ on the GUI dashboard.

You are good to go!



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